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Cambridge 13: Test 3 (SPEAKING)

It has been a long time since I posted here. I was busy doing other stuff that I did not have enough time to do some practices. However, now I can concentrate on practicing again. Anyway, here's the third installation of the 13th Cambridge IELTS textbook. Maybe some of you already have a copy of this since I have been seeing a lot of pdf copies of this new book on the internet lately. But for those of you who do not have access to this pdf, here it is. You can check my other posts for some of the other test questions from this book, too.

Well, if you look at the questions well, the first part is already a bit challenging to answer since it is considered somewhat a "taboo" to talk about money. On the other hand, we must also consider that the questions do not entirely ask about how you manage your money.

Anyway, good luck! Again, I do recommend that you practice every day as much as possible and do try to ask someone's assistance. You need another person to tell you if your point and pronunciation is understandable. If you do not have anyone to assist you with, try recording yourself.

Have a good day!
