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Cambridge 13: Academic Writing Test 4: Task 1

Sample report:
The visual data represents the generation and use of electricity of ten countries in 2014. Overall, the electrical production slightly exceeded the consumption in all countries except Germany.

The top countries that manufactured electricity the most were China, the United States, and Russia. China registered an electricity generation of almost 5,400 (billion kWh). A rate that is two times bigger than Russia and a thousand kWh more than America. The lowest electricity production was in the Republic of Korea with just 485.1 billion kWh.

As for electrical consumption, the top countries were the same. The rate gaps of the production and use were all minimal. Moreover, the country with the lowest electricity utilization was also the Republic of Korea.

It should be highlighted though that one country, Germany, showed a different graph. Among all ten countries, this nation consumed more electricity that its production. The production was about 530 billion kWh versus a generation of 583 billion kWh in 2014.

Word Count: 160
